Dev by Barkas. Design by Wedge. Creative Direction by Sarah Di Domenico.

Meet us

AGAME (Association des Gens d’Affaires du Mile End) is a group of local merchants, entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers and organizations united to make the neighbourhood grow through social commitment, sharing and creativity.

Our mission has a three part focus on economic, cultural and social development, to continue to build a thriving play-space, work-space and home for all. With great heart it’s our ambition to connect Mile-End’s independent business community with its residents and the world-at-large.

Together we join hands to encourage the support of small business, develop partnerships to host and create events that reflect our cultural spirit, and flex collective muscle into ensuring Mile-End is and will always be a positive, inclusive & accessible place. The village we know and love.

Why join AGAME?

Unite with fellow Mile-End entrepreneurs to create impact within the community, collaborate, and participate in what happens here. Share your voice, make your mark, spotlight your talent, product or business, and promote what you do on a world-stage.

Become a member

Members' commitments

  • Gather

    Attend general assemblies a few times each year.

  • Champion

    Support local creativity & share ideas to boost quality of life & community spirit.

  • Collaborate

    Help activate great efforts to bring more nature & green space to life.

  • Welcome

    Offer a voice & resources to all groups & defend diversity, accessibility & equality.

  • Advocate

    Promote local economy & Mile-End as a social, cultural, commercial & world-class destination.

  • Volunteer

    Give time to pursue grants that are relevant to all of the above.

Board of directors

For questions about our association, to say hello and to share your ideas, events and good news, contact Roxana Ionas, our general coordinator: